Version 3.6.2 #
minor bugs fixed appeared in 3.6.0
Version 3.6.1 #
minor bugs fixed appeared in 3.6.0
Version 3.6.0 #
- Major restructuring of data flow.
- Template system improvements for better customizability.
- Single listing template (single.php) shifted to single-listing directory.
- Archive directory changed to directory-pages for better understanding
- Directorypress pages renamed for better customizability in public > partials > directory-pages
- Page-wrapper.php add to make directory pages extendable in public > partials > directory-pages
- Single-wrapper.php added to Make single listing template extendable in public > partials > single-listing
- Critical bug fixed in packages system with frontend listing, remaining listing count was increasing instead of decrease with each new listing.
- Separate category field option added for search form.
- Ability to add custom options list in each pricing plan.
- Ability to restrict submission in parent category if child category available with multi-select categories.
- ability to set media size for gallery images.
- ability to set file size for attachment field,
- Ability to add colour field to search filters.
- Improved single listing page template.
- Improved directory pages templates
- Search engine improvements.
- New options added to elementor search widget.
- New options added to elementor listings widget.
- Redesigned author widget on single listing page.
- New filters added to added additional settings in directorypress listings option panel.
- Material icons library added.
- Fontawesome icons library deprecated.
- PHP 8.1 compatibility added.
- Jquery ui library updated.
- Listing update from backend shows fatal error.
- Masonry layout was not working properly with view switcher.
- Redux framework updated.
Version 3.5.11 #
- Field’s order update issue fixed
- Ajax keyword search result issue fixed
- Back-end listing’s update issue fixed
- Separate Video attachment metabox template Added
- Custom icons option added for single listing meta links and buttons Added
- Translation updated Update
- Performance improvements Improvement
Version 3.5.10 #
Category icons was not saving fixed
Version 3.5.9 #
- WordPress 6.1 compatibility checked.
- Translation template updated
Version 3.5.8 #
WordPress 6.1 compatibility checked.
Version 3.5.7 #
- Field’s dependency was not working since version 3.5.4 fixed
- minor fixes and improvements. improvement
- Translation template updated improvement
Version 3.5.6 #
- minor fixes and improvements.
- Translation template updated improvement
Version 3.5.5 #
- Security improvements fixed
- Minor visual issues resolved fixed
- Performance improvement fixed
- Redux Framework updated fixed
- Jquery ui theme updated. fixed
- submit listing image uploader issue resolved fixed
- User verification option from submit listing page added new
- Translation template updated improvement
Version 3.4.1 #
Fixes #
- Yoast SEO compatibility fixed.
- Frontend submission error if payment option disabled.
- Translations updated
- Security improvements
Version 3.4.0 #
Fixes #
- Frontend file upload field not working
- Author page design issues
- Author page links adjustment in listing grid/list
- Search keyword example showing digits at the end
- Profile update button should be disabled while ajax request
- Removed possibility to delete core fields
- TOS option was not hiding while turned off from backend
- Load more was not working in case of ratting disabled from backend
- Backend listing error in case of Payment Manager plugin not activated.
- Category page screen option was not working at backend
- Locations page screen option was not working at backend
- Tags page screen option was not working at backend
- Add/Edit listing page screen option was not working at backend
- Language null error with mapbox if browser language is other than English
- Multi Directory page permalinks issues in case of having more than 1 directories.
- Submit listing form responsive issues resolved.
- Home search redirect map issue resolved.
- Tags page layout issue resolved
- Example keywords string showing array glu at the end resolved.
Improvements #
- Restructured core code base.
- Workflow normalized.
- Author widget visual improvements
- Listing Grid view styles visual improvements
- Listing List View styles visual improvements
- Default list view style redesigned
- Translation issues resolved.
- All backend options related to DirectoryPress Frontend Addon moved to relevant plugin
- All backend options related to DirectoryPress Maps Addon moved to relevant plugin
- All backend options related to DirectoryPress Claim Addon moved to relevant plugin
- All backend options related to DirectoryPress Payment Manager Addon moved to relevant plugin
- Pricing Plan styling and option moved to DirectoryPress Payment Manager addon
- Possibility to show address line 1 on grid and list view if pre-made locations not available.
- Review and ratting design issues resolved,
- RTL issues resolved
- Frontend user panel Menu moved to DirectoryPress Frontend Addon.
- MapBox integration improvements
- Maps Shortcode moved to DirectoryPress Maps Plugin.
- Possibility to turn map on/off for specific pages like, single listing, archive pages and submit listing form.
- Pricing Plans redesigned.
Added New #
- Account delete feature added
- Whatsapp and telegram sharing added
- Whatsapp contact option added
- Author page listing order option added
- Option to turn on/off Phone Number added to author widget
- Option to turn on/off Phone Number added to author widget
- Option to turn on/off Whatsapp Number added to author widget
- Option to turn on/off Email ID added to author widget
- Option to turn on/off Social Links added to author widget
- Option to turn on/off Send Message added to author widget
- Option to turn on/off Send Offer added to author widget
- Option to turn on/off Contact details for anonymous user added to author widget
- Notification for free listing added
- hours field always opened option added
- Pay link along unpaid tag in user dashboard added.
- Listing id added on single listing page
- Ajax login feature added
- Option added to turn On/off published date on single listing page
- Option added to turn On/off listing views on single listing page
- Option added to turn On/off published date on single listing page
- Option added to turn On/off social sharing on single listing page
- Option added to turn On/off nofollow attribute in listing permalinks
- Possibility to add/edit/modify search result page templates from theme
- Possibility to add/edit/modify tags page templates from theme
- Possibility to add/edit/modify locations page templates from theme
- Possibility to add/edit/modify categories page templates from theme
- Possibility to add/edit/modify listing details page templates from theme
- Possibility to add/edit/modify listing grid view templates from theme
- Possibility to add/edit/modify listing list view templates from theme
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_thumbnail added to listing grid view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_listview_thumbnail added to listing list view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_thumbnail added to listing list view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_featured_tag added to listing grid/list view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_status_tag added to listing grid/list view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_author added to listing grid/list view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_category added to listing grid/list view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_category_icon added to listing grid/list view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_title added to listing grid/list view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_inline_fields added to listing grid/list view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_block_fields added to listing grid/list view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_tooltip_fields added to listing grid/list view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_summary_field added to listing grid/list view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_address added to listing grid/list view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_price_field added to listing grid/list view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_ratting added to listing grid/list view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_bookmark added to listing grid/list view templates
- New action directorypress_listing_grid_views added to listing grid/list view templates
- Possibility to Assign custom register page for default login form.
- Possibility to Assign custom reset password page for default login form.
- New field type [status] added to advanced fields addon
- Claim listing feature moved to new addon
- Some custom Fields moved to advanced fields addon
- New Feature for WCFM integration added with addon plugin.
- Author Profile page template is added to DirectoryPress plugin
- Login Form added to send message and send offer modal for better work flow.
- Admin documentation modal added to submit listing form with each field to help admin for easy setup.
Functions replacement #
setMetaInformation => set_meta_information
setLevelByPostId => set_package_by_post_id
setLocations => set_locations
setMapZoom => set_map_zoom
setContentFields => set_directorypress_fields
setMedia => set_media
getContentField => get_directorypress_fields
renderContentField => display_content_field
renderPriceFieldRange => display_price_field_range
renderSummary => display_summary_field
getFieldsGroupsOnTabs => get_fields_groups_in_tabs
isMap => is_map
renderMap => display_map
setUniqueId => set_unique_id
collectLocations => collect_locations
processRaiseUp => process_bumpup
processActivate => process_activation
saveExpirationDate => save_listing_expiry
changeLevel => change_listing_package
setLogoImage => set_listing_thumbnail
loadListingForMap => init_listing_on_map
loadListingForAjaxMap => init_listing_on_map_with_ajax
setMapContentFields => set_content_fields_for_map
renderInfoFieldForMap => display_info_field_on_map
isCategories => is_categories
renderOutputForMap => disaply_output_on_map
isNotEmpty => is_field_not_empty
getPendingStatus => get_listing_pending_status
renderOutput => display_output
sortContentFieldsByGroups => order_content_fields_by_groups
getLevelById => get_package_by_id (function name for packages)
getLevelById => get_depth_level_by_id
getDefaultLevel => get_default_package
setLevelByID => set_package_by_id
addListingInfoMetabox => add_listing_info_metabox
addExpirationDateMetabox => add_expiry_metabox
addContactEmailMetabox => add_contact_metabox
loadCurrentListing => get_current_listing
initHooks => initialize_hooks
addRaiseUpPage => add_bumpup_page
addRenewPage => add_renewal_page
addChangeDatePage => add_change_date_page
addUpgradePage => add_upgrade_page
addBulkUpgradePage => add_bulk_upgrade_page
addAuthorNoticePage => add_author_notice_page
upgradeListingBulkAction => listing_upgrade_action_bulk
listing_upgrade_action_bulkHandle => handle_listing_upgrade_action_bulk
saveDirectoryMeta => save_directorytype_meta
validateListing => listing_validation
redirectAfterSave => after_save_redirect
saveListing => save_listing
listingInfoMetabox => listing_info_metabox
listingExpirationDateMetabox => listing_expiry_metabox
listingContactEmailMetabox => listing_contact_metabox
changeDateListingPage => change_listing_expiry_page
changeExpirationDate => change_listing_expiry
upgradeListingPage => listing_upgrade_page
upgradeListingsBulkPage => listing_bulk_upgrade_page
loadListings => init_listings
loadListing => init_listing
saveInitialDraft => save_initial_draft
saveAttachments => save_attachments
validateAttachments => validate_attachments
saveLocations => save_locations
validateLocations => validate_locations
saveValues => save_values
raiseup_html => bumpup_html
getExcerptFromContent => get_excerpt_from_content
increaseClicksStats => increase_click_count
createLocationFromArray => create_location_from_array
getSelectedLocationString => get_setected_location_string
getLocation => get_location
getWholeAddress => get_full_address
removeLocationsMetabox => remove_locations_metabox
addLocationsMetabox => add_locations_metabox
listingLocationsMetabox => listing_locations_metabox
getContentFieldBySlug => get_field_by_slug
deleteLocations => delete_locations
getLevelsFromDB => get_package_from_database (in packages)
getLevelsFromDB => get_depth_levels_from_database
buildLevelFromArray => build_depth_level_from_array
buildLevelFromArray => build_package_from_array
getNamesArray => get_names_array
getSelectionsArray => get_selections_array
createLevelFromArray => create_depth_level_from_array
createLevelFromArray => create_package_from_array
saveLevelFromArray => save_depth_level_from_array
saveLevelFromArray => save_package_from_array
deleteLevel => delete_depth_level
deleteLevel => delete_package
convertContentFields => convert_fields
getActivePeriodString => get_active_duration_string
saveUpgradeMeta => save_upgrade_meta
isUpgradable => is_upgradable
searchConfigure => search_configure
getSearchFieldById => get_search_field_by_id
render_fields => display_fields
render_advanced_fields => display_advanced_fields
retrieve_search_args => collect_search_args
outputHiddenFields => display_hidden_fields
isDefaultSearchFields => is_default_search_fields
isDefaultFieldsLabel => is_default_fields_label
isKeywords => is_keywords_field
isKeywordsAJAX => is_keywords_field_with_ajax
isCategoriesOrKeywords => is_categories_or_Keywords_field
isLocations => is_locations
isLocationsOrAddress => is_locations_or_address_field
isAddress => is_address
isRadius => is_radius
getKeywordValue => get_keyword_value
isKeywordsExamples => is_keyword_field_examples
wrapKeywordsExamples => wrap_keywords_examples
getKeywordsExamples => get_keywords_examples
getAddressValue => get_address_value
getRadiusValue => get_radius_value
getCategoriesDropdownsMenuParams => get_categories_dropmenu_params
directorypress_getSearchTermID => directorypress_get_search_term_id
get_locationsDropdownsMenuParams => get_locations_dropmenu_params
getSearchFormStyles => get_search_form_dynamic_css
displaySearchButton => display_search_button
assignContentField => assign_fields
convertSearchOptions => convert_search_options
getBaseUrlArgs => gat_base_url_args
getVCParams => gat_vc_params
isParamOfThisField => is_this_field_param
resetValue => reset_field_value
directorypress_visibleSearchParam => directorypress_visible_search_param
buildSearchOptions => build_search_options
renderSearch => display_search
validateSearch => search_validation
postsClauses => posts_clauses
saveGroupsRelations => save_field_group_relations
getContentFieldsFromDB => get_fields_from_database
buildContentFieldFromArray => build_fields_from_array
convertOptions => convert_field_options
getContentFieldsGroupById => get_fields_group_by_id
createContentFieldFromArray => create_field_from_array
saveContentFieldFromArray => save_field_from_array
deleteContentField => delete_field
getContentFieldById => get_field_by_id
delete_fieldsGroup => delete_fields_group
createContentFieldsGroupFromArray => create_fields_group_from_array
saveContentFieldsGroupFromArray => save_fields_group_from_array
getOrderingContentFields => get_fields_order
canBeOrdered => is_this_field_orderable
isNotCoreContentFields => is_this_not_core_field
getFieldsByCategoriesIdsAndLevelId => get_fields_categories_and_package_ids
saveValue => save_field_value
validateValues => validate_field_values
loadValues => load_field_values
loadValue => load_field_value
getOrderParams => get_order_params
orderParams => order_params
getMapContentFields => get_map_fields
isSlug => is_slug
canBeRequired => is_this_field_requirable
canBeSearched => is_this_field_searchable
buildOptions => build_field_options
validateCsvValues => validate_csv_values
exportCSV => export_field_to_csv
addFormEnctype => add_fields_form_encryption
addContentFieldsMetabox => add_fields_metabox
contentFieldsMetabox => directorypress_fields_metabox
renderOutputValue => display_outputValue
Filters replacement #
directorypress_listing_raiseup => directorypress_listing_bumpup
directorypress_listing_package_process_activate => directorypress_listing_package_process_activation
directorypress_listing_process_activate => directorypress_listing_process_activation
directorypress_listing_save_expiration_date => directorypress_listing_save_expiry
directorypress_listing_map_loading => directorypress_listing_map_intializing
directorypress_listing_fields_pre_render => directorypress_listing_fields_pre_output
directorypress_listing_loading => directorypress_listing_initializing